Financial Services
As well as a good understanding of the challenges ahead due to new regulations and guidelines targeting the accumulation of Non-performing exposures within the European Banking sector, Have led us to the insight that something has to be done in the near future.
After spending months in each transaction and still not being completly satisfied with how it works, we have decided to contact all stakeholders to evaluate how we can create a more modern and efficent market for all parties.
- Faster and easier sales process.
- Guaranteed access to the highest possible price (Market price)
- No need to dedicate a team of analysts, legal and finance experts to work with multiple potential buyers in parralell.
- Just one single data-set, both you data-security team and your analysts (as well as the buyers) will be thrilled to learn that one single data-set is distributed to all interested buyers that want to evaluate a bid on your portfolios.
- Your Legal team will appreaciate that only one single NDA and one single sales contract will be negotiated, and there are allready perfectly fine templates provided by a neutral third party!
- Access to neutral advise and support services without any fears of involving additional parties into the deal
To Summarize:
It's going to be faster, easier, occupy less resources and you will be confident that you got the best price you could for your assets.
- Easier and faster access to more opportunites with new or unknown sellers.
- Improved insights and understanding your position and competitivness in the market, as well as price-references and market trends. A more transparent market helps you to find your edge and adapt your strategies.
- Reduced need to dedicate your resources to Due Diligence processes, verifying that seller is complying with everything from data-quality to avoiding risks of Money laundering or frauds.
- No Opportunities lost due to lack of resources, that you are unknown to the seller or that your company was to far down on the list of "potential buyers" to ever be invited into a bidding round.
- Reduced need of, and reliance upon a good sales team to create opportunities.
- Acess to neutral advise about the seller and the portfolios without risking to breach and Non-Disclosure Agreements.
-Standardized and verified data for your valuations and business cases, which reduces workload on your analytics team.
- Possibilies to chose which opportunities to focus on due to the increased and more diverse opportunites. This will give you the possibilty of finding portfolios that best matches your expertise and nische to get the best performance and profitability out of the deals you make!
To Summarize:
It's going to be faster, easier, occupy less resources and you will be confident that you get access to all the opportunities you want to have.